
Our software engineers have strong skills in the following tools and technologies.


Category Tools and Technologies
Platforms .Net, J2EE
Programming Languages VB, C#, ASP, Java, Java Servlets, Applet, JSP, Javascript, JavaBeans, EJB, C++, Perl, CGI, HTML, XML, XHTML, CSS, DHTML, WML
Web and Application Servers Apache, IIS, iPlanet, Tomcat, Jboss, BEA WebLogic, IBM Websphere
Databases Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, PostreSQL, Sybase, DB2
OS Platforms Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, IBM AIX, Windows
Other Development Tools and Technologies JDBC, Struts, Velocity, Hibernate, ANT, TagLib, Eclipse, Swing, SWT, SOAP, Java Web Services, Tuxido, Corba, ColdFusion, Jbuilder, Delphi, JSF, PHP, Flash, Dreamwaver, COM, DCOM, VxWork
Software Testing Tools LoadRunner, WinRunner, OptiBench, Anvil, Citroen, SpotLight,
Patrol, BigBrother, Shell/Perl Scripts

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The VIPNET Support Center is available for both pre-sale customers and current subscribers with maintenance. Use the support center to download upgrades or new versions of Style Report, submit and review technical support issues.

Note: You must use the email address registered to the Developer key in order to log in to the InetSoft Support Center.